Everyone wants to improve but from time to time we experience a healing plateau. What causes these plateaus? Can anything be done to restart healing sooner? Or do we just have to wait it out?
One consideration to break through a healing plateau would be to check the NRT patient for Negative Emotions. Many of us have had bad things, bad thoughts or bad experiences over the years and these emotions can get “stuck” in certain organs. Clearing these Negative Emotions can help the patient restart their healing journey. Here are some common organs and corresponding emotions that may need release (depending on the individual patient).
Gallbladder - Resentment, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Pride, Blame, Self-Pity
Kidney - Fear, Powerless, Exhaustion, Dread, Insecurity
Liver - Anger, Frustration, Irritability, Depressed, Rage, Dissatisfied
Large Intestine - Perfectionist, Not letting go, controlling, procrastination, Insecurity
Lung - Grief, Sadness, Smothered, Isolated, Unworthy, Intolerance
Lymph - Stuck, Obsessed, Blocked, Uncentered, Sluggishness
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of organs/emotions, simply a starting point.
As an example, if an NRT patient is dealing with constipation, one question to consider is, “who/what are you unwilling to let go of?”
So, when an NRT patient experiences a healing plateau, one possibility could be an old stuck emotion. If the patient tests for a negative emotion we have several possible recommendations:
Essential Oils
There is a new product from Cell Core called ME Support which has been showing excellent results and happens to be Dr. Alex’s favorite emotional support product.
If you would like a demonstration on how ME Support could be a great addition to your health and wellness, call the Oasis Wellness Center at 651-797-3262 for a free 15 minute consult with Dr. Alex.